A Sonnet Chronicle 1900-1906 (Glasgow, 1906)
In his Prefatory Note, Rawnsley wrote:
It has been my custom for some years past to keep in sonnet-form a calendar of events that stirred one or seemed of interest to others; and I have ventured to publish a selection of these, in the hope that readers—if there be any found—may care to have their minds recalled to the events they commemorate.
Sonnets marked with an asterisk had appeared in print prior to their publication in this book.
My Lady (p. 1)
*The New Year, 1900 (p. 2)
*Ruskin at Rest (p. 3)
*St. George’s Day, April 23rd, 1900 (p. 4)
Love’s Spring-Tide (p. 5)
*To Sir Alfred Milner (p. 6)
In Honour of Abraham Esau (p. 7)
The Choir Invisible: Christmas Day, 1900 (p. 8)
To the Dying Century, Farewell! (p. 9)
A Rejoinder (p. 10)
The Passing of the Queen (p. 11)
To a Dumb Mourner (p. 12)
Love in Death (p. 13)
The Sorrow of the Fleet (p. 14)
*Across the Flood (p. 15)
The Harvest of Love (p. 16)
To the Kaiser (p. 17)
The Way of Peace (p. 18)
The Millenary of Alfred the King (p. 19)
To Mary Wakefield (p. 20)
The Mother of Her People (p. 21)
*Love Triumphant (p. 22)
Christmas Day, 1901 (p. 23)
New Year, 1902 (p. 24)
*Cecil Rhodes (p. 25)
A Dream of St. Francis (p. 26)
*The Angel-Whisper, Peace (p. 27)
The Coronation Bonfires (p. 28)
The Skiddaw Bonfire (p. 29)
To Kitchener of Khartoum (p. 30)
The Crowning of the King (p. 31)
The Coronation (Before) (p. 32)
The Coronation (After) (p. 33)
The Pilot’s Home-Coming (p. 34)
Unveiling of the Rose-Window (p. 35)
Autumn at Brandelhow (p. 36)
Zola Dead (p. 37)
Archbishop Temple (p. 38)
*A Christmas Message, 1902 (p. 39)
*The New Year, 1903 (p. 40)
*The Delhi Durbar (p. 41)
*The Cry of Macedonia (p. 42)
*America to England, Greeting (p. 43)
*In Memory of Edna Lyall (p. 44)
L’Entente Cordiale: July 8, 1903 (p. 45)
The Cry of the Women to Our Church Councillors (p. 46)
Herbert Spencer (p. 47)
The Vision that Helped Sebastian Cabot (p. 48)
A Christmas Thought, 1903 (p. 49)
*The Tide of Love: New Year, 1904 (p. 50)
The Master of the Temple (p. 51)
To G. F. Watts, R.A. (p. 52)
At Hengwrt: April 5, 1904 (p. 53)
St. George’s Day, 1904 (p. 54)
Bradford, Then and Now (p. 55)
Home Memories (p. 56)
*The Home of Rest for Horses (p. 57)
L’Entente Cordiale: April, 1904 (p. 58)
Death, The Angel Friend (p. 59)
The Church of the Free (p. 60)
At the Baptism of the Czarevitch (p. 61)
*The Battle of Liao-Yang (p. 62)
At Bishop Bardsley’s Grave (p. 63)
Unveiling of the Bede Memorial (p. 64)
*The New Year, 1905 (p. 65)
Voices from the Dust (p. 66)
*Red Sunday in St. Petersburg (p. 67)
Four Portraits of the Painter (p. 68)
*Jupiter and Venus (p. 69)
*The Chiff-Chaff (p. 70)
To the River Greta (p. 71)
*Dawn in Greece and Cumberland (p. 72)
*To Admiral Togo (p. 73)
Launch of the Japanese Battleship “Katori” by Princess Arisugawa (p. 74)
At the Unveiling of the Tennyson Statue, Lincoln (p. 75)
L’Entente Cordiale (p. 76)
*To the Mikado (p. 77)
The Spider’s Message (p. 78)
The Garden City (p. 79)
Gowbarrow (p. 80)
In Trafalgar Square (p. 81)
*Nelson’s Last Prayer (p. 82)
The Queen’s Appeal (p. 83)
*Christmas, 1905 (p. 84)