Sir,—To avoid error and for the information of many kind friends who have subscribed to this undertaking, I write to say that through the kind offices of Colonel Fitzgerald we have been able to obtain from the Ministry of Munitions a suitable hut on loan from Gretna to be under his superintendence, on the condition that we pay for its removal and re-erection and return it when it is no longer needed.  The hut is 30ft. long and 40ft. wide, and is divided into three parts, giving accommodation for tea arrangements, for a recreation room, and a billiard room.  The cost of re-erection and re-decoration and repair, with the necessary laying on of water, electric light, etc., is costly owing to scarcity of labour, and we shall not have in hand more funds than are necessary for running the hut.  This obliges me to appeal to the kindness of my fellow-townsmen to help by gifts of furniture, strong chairs, tables, curtains, covering for the floor, door mats, games, books, etc.  I have been unable thus far to obtain either on loan or hire a second-hand piano, which is badly needed.  With regard to the billiard table I have approached Sir Edgar Sanders….  I am co-operating with the chaplain at Fusehill, the Rev. B. Hayland, who is warmly interested, and will organise a Committee to manage the hut.

(Carlisle Journal, 8 November 1918, p. 5)