The Subject Index lists topics to be found in the published works of Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley. This includes chapters in his books, articles published in journals and magazines, his numerous letters to Newspapers, as well as the sermons, hymns and related topics that he chose to put in the public domain. The Index does NOT include the hundreds of individual poems which he published in newspapers and the Crosthwaite Parish Magazine. These will be listed in a separate Index.
Queen Adelaide’s Hill
Adelaide Hill, Windermere, Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 6 September 1913, p. 11 [Letter with Gordon Somervell]
National Trust Possessions on Windermere. II. Queen Adelaide’s Hill (Chapters at the English Lakes, pp. 228-249)
Queen Adelaide Hill, Windermere, Times, 13 August 1913, p. 9 [Letter with Gordon Somervell]
Queen Adelaide Hill, Windermere, Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 14 August 1913, p. 4 [Letter with Gordon Somervell]
Windermere: Queen Adelaide’s Hill and Millerground Glen and Landing, Spectator, 110 (1 February 1913), p. 192
Ambleside Railway, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 26 February 1887, p. 5 [Letter with W. H. Hills et al]
Ambleside Railway, Carlisle Journal, 1 March 1887, p. 3 [Letter with W. H. Hills et al]
Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway, London Evening Standard, 5 February 1883, p. 2 [Letter]
Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 3 March 1883, p. 5 [Letter]
Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway: A Plain Contradiction, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 17 March 1883, p. 5 [Letter]
Proposed Railway Up Snowden, North Wales Chronicle, 10 November 1894, p. 5 [Letter]
Railway in Borrowdale, Carlisle Patriot, 23 February 1883, p. 6 [Letter]
Snowden, Times, 6 November 1894, p. 8 [Letter]
Third-Class Sleeping Accommodation on Railways, Times, 13 August 1907, p. 9 [Letter]
The Rainbow Wonders of Windermere (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 173-177)
With the Black-Headed Gulls in Cumberland (Lake Country Sketches, pp. 59-68)
After the Ravens, in Skiddaw Forest (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 24-42)
Canon Rawnsley on ‘Recreation’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian’, 6 October 1906, p. 4
The Black Redstart, Times, 13 July 1911, p. 7
Richardson, John
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 235-240
Rights of Way see Footpaths
The Real Rigi (Flower-Time in the Oberland, pp. 112-126)
Ring, Edward Gore
In Memoriam – Edward Gore Ring, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 26 December 1908, p. 8
Roads and Road Safety
A Diligence Accident at Bignasco, Times, 9 June 1909, p. 9 [Letter]
Dangerous Highways near Keswick, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 11 July 1891, p. 5 [Letter]
Road Conference in London, Times, 30 April 1909, p. 14 [Letter]
Sty Head Pass Road: Canon Rawnsley and the County Surveyor, Carlisle Patriot, 15 November 1895, p. 5 [Letter]
Blight of the Roadman, Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 13 March 1909, p. 11 [Letter]
Destruction of the Road-Side, Nature Notes, 20 (April 1909), pp. 58-60
Destruction of Shoulthwaite Moss, Times, 25 April 1906, p. 4 [Letter]
Roadside Beauty, Times, 21 March 1914, p. 6 [Letter]
Robinson, Elihu
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 217-221
Rock of Names
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 219-226
Rock of the Pomegranate
The Rock of the Pomegranate, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, (July 1879), pp. 118-26.
Rock Rimmon
The Rock Rimmon, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, (July 1882), p. 177.
Romans see also Borrans Field
A Day with Roman and Norse (Lake Country Sketches, pp. 94-108)
A Hundred Miles of Beauty at the Lakes (Past and Present at the English Lakes, pp. 119-152)
Past and Present in the Keswick Vale (By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, pp. 1-19)
Re-Discovery of a Small Roman Household Altar, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 20 (1920), pp. 151-3
Round the Coast of the Lake Country (Round the Lake Country, pp. 1-24)
Romney, George
Round the Coast of the Lake Country (Round the Lake Country, pp. 1-24)
Roy, Rob
Rob Roy MacGregor’s Home, Times, 22 November 1913, p. 11 [Letter]
Runswick Bay
Sonnets of the Yorkshire Coast (Sonnets Round the Coast, pp. 145-159)
An Old-Time Rushbearing at Ambleside (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 1-16)
At the Grasmere Rushbearing. 1905 (Months at the Lakes, pp. 126-132)
Grasmere Rushbearing (A Rambler’s Notebook at the English Lakes, pp. 41-56)
Rushbearing at St. Oswald’s Grasmere, Carlisle Diocesan Magazine, 1 (October 1890), pp. 59-61
Temporal and the Eternal: A Rushbearing Sermon, Church Family Newspaper, 15 (14 August 1908), p. 707
Ruskin, John
At Ruskin’s Funeral (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 189-206)
At the Ruskin Exhibition, Coniston (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 79-114)
Fall of Foyers – Mr. Ruskin’s Opinion, Times, 16 September 1895, p. 5 [Letter]
Hymn in Loving Memory of John Ruskin. Coniston, January 25th, 1900, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian’, 27 January 1900, p. 5
John Ruskin, Outlook, 64 (3 March 1900), pp. 511-17
John Ruskin’s Message to His Time: Sermon at St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite, January 18th 1900 (Keswick, 1900)
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 148-150
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 188-191
Memorial Address: Delivered on September 7, 1902, at the Ruskin Monument on Friar’s Crag, to a meeting of the Companions of the Guild of St. George, Saint George. The Journal of the Ruskin Society of Birmingham, V (October 1902), pp. 247-50
Memorial Cross at Coniston (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 219-230)
Memorial Poems (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 231-238)
Proposed Ruskin Memorial at Keswick, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 14 April 1900, p. 4 [Letter]
Reminiscences of Ruskin Among the Peasantry of Coniston (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 60-78)
Ruskin and the English Lakes (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 1-26)
Ruskin and the English Lakes: Continued (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 1-26)
Ruskin and the Home Art Industries in the Lake District (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 115-148)
Ruskin and Wordsworth (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 149-162)
Ruskin and Wordsworth: Continued (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 163-188)
Ruskin Centenary, Times, 8 February 1919, p. 3; Literary Digest, 60 (15 March 1919), p. 38
Unveiling of the Ruskin Memorial (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 207-218)
Unveiling of the Ruskin Memorial at Friar’s Crag, Keswick, October 6th, 1900, Northern Counties Magazine, 1 (December 1900), pp. 148-53
Does the Czar Mean Peace? Reading Observer, 27 October 1900, p. 3
Sympathy with Russian Jews, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 25 November 1905, p. 4
Ruth and Boaz, Christian World Pulpit, 30 (29 September 1886), pp. 196-8
A Coach Drive at the Lakes. Part I. From Windermere to Rydal Water, Cornhill Magazine, 11 (September 1888), pp. 255-70
A Coach Drive at the Lakes. Part II. From Rydal to Thirlmere, Cornhill Magazine, 11 (October 1888), pp. 390-404
From Rydal to Thirlmere (A Coach Drive at the Lakes, pp. 29-54)
From Windermere to Rydal Water (A Coach Drive at the Lakes, pp. 1-28)
Sabatier, Paul
With Paul Sabatier at Assisi, Contemporary Review, 74 (October 1898), pp. 505-18
Saint Bede
The Venerable Bede: His Life and Work, pp. 3-64 (1904)
Saint Begha
At St. Bees (Round the Lake Country, pp. 68-79)
Saint Cuthbert
St. Cuthbert’s Last Journey in Cumberland (Round the Lake Country, pp. 80-90)
Saint Francis
Sacrum Commercium: The Converse of Francis and His Sons With Poverty (1904)
Saint George
St. George’s Day, April 23, Times, 10 April 1900, p. 11 [Letter]
St. George’s Day, April 23rd, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 14 April 1900, p. 5 [Letter]
St. George and the Dragon. A Sermon for St. George’s Day, Preached at Crosthwaite Church, Keswick, first Sunday after Easter, 1900 (Keswick, 1900)
Saint Herbert
Five Addresses on the Lives and Work of St. Kentigern and St. Herbert (1888)
S. Kentigern and S. Herbert: Six Addresses Delivered in S. Kentigern’s Church (1892)
Saint Kentigern
Associations of St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite, with Literature, Science and Art. [This article, written in 1918, was published in 1953 in the book, The Parish Church of St. Kentigern, Crosthwaite, by Francis C. Eeles, pp. 68-79.]
Change Ringing at Crosthwaite Church, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 January 1886, p. 5 [Letter]
Chrism Crosses, St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 14 (1914), pp. 295-7
Chrism Crosses at St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 16 (1916), pp. 273-8
Consecration Crosses, St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite (Past and Present at the English Lakes, pp. 109-118)
Farewell, My Sojourn Ends, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (April 1917)
Five Addresses on the Lives and Work of St. Kentigern and St. Herbert (1888)
‘Hymn for St. Kentigern’s Day’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine’, (February 1894)
Proposed Alteration to Crosthwaite Church English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 13 December 1884, p. 5 [Letter]
S. Kentigern and S. Herbert: Six Addresses Delivered in S. Kentigern’s Church (1892)
Watch-Night at Crosthwaite Church, Carlisle Journal, 11 December 1891, p. 7 [Letter]
Saint Martin
St. Martin’s Message to Our Time, Church of England Pulpit and Ecclesiastical Review, 50 (29 December 1900), pp. 309-12
Saint Wilfrid
Memories of St. Wilfrid: Thoughts Suggested by the Ripon Millenary Festival, Christian World Pulpit, 30 (15 September 1886), pp. 172-4
Sonnets of the Yorkshire Coast (Sonnets Round the Coast, pp.125-144)
The Village of Perfect Health, Leysin-sur-Aigle, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 158 (November 1895), pp. 680-4
Lake District: Protection of the Scafell Region, Times, 9 June 1919, p. 6 [Letter]
Scafell Pike, Sheffield Daily Telegraph’, 27 September 1919, p. 8 [Letter]
Scafell Pike: A Gift to the Nation, Times, 27 September 1919, p. 7 [Letter]
Scafell Pike: Gift to the Nation as a War Memorial, Carlisle Journal, 30 September 1919, p. 5 [Letter]
Sonnets of the Yorkshire Coast (Sonnets Round the Coast, pp. 195-206)
Sonnets of the North-East Coast (Sonnets Round the Coast, pp. 111-124)
Scott, Walter
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 196-204, 232-235
Seeley, Elizabeth Phebe
‘Preface’, In the Light: Brief Memorials of Elizabeth Phebe Seeley by her Sister, (London, 1884), pp. v-xiii
Passion Play at Selzach, Times, 12 July 1895, p. 5 [Letter]
Passion Play at Selzach, Review of Reviews, 14 (October 1896), pp. 481-2
Passion Play at Selzach, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 160 (September 1896), pp. 315-27; Living Age, 211 (31 October 1896), pp. 299-310
A Day at Levens (Months at the Lakes, pp. 171-181)
Poems of the Months (Poems at Home and Abroad, pp. 31-58)
September at the Lakes (Months at the Lakes, pp. 160-170)
Sermons & Similar Writings – Miscellaneous see also Church of England
A Dream and the Fulfilment of it, Church Family Newspaper, 15 (10 April 1908), p. 320
A Recall to Home Life, Church Family Newspaper, 21 (24 July 1914), p. 10
A Symbol of Humility (The Daisy), Church Family Newspaper, 15 (17 July 1908), p. 629
Builders for God, Christian World Pulpit, 36 (13 November 1889), pp. 310-12
(The) Child Mind the Heavenly (Keswick, 1900)
Christ the Door (Keswick, 1898)
Christ’s Appeal to Unbelievers (Keswick, 1898)
De Profundis (Keswick, 1898)
Dignity of Service (Keswick, 1897)
Dominus Illuminatio Mea: An Oxford Pageant Sermon Preached at St. Mary’s on Sunday the Fifth after Trinity (Oxford, 1907)
Faith that Overcomes, Church Family Newspaper, 19 (26 April 1912), p. 8
Freedom Through Death (Keswick, 1898)
God’s Children, Christian World Pulpit, 48 (4 September 1895), pp. 155-6
(The) Good of Gratitude, Church Family Newspaper, 19 (1 March 1912), p. 8
Gospel for the Body, Christian World Pulpit, 39 (27 May 1891), pp. 326-8
Gospel Rose, Contemporary Pulpit, 8 (September 1887), pp. 203-13
Greatness of Prayer, Church Family Newspaper, 20 (9 May 1913), p. 8
Hospital Sunday Sermon, Preached in Crosthwaite Church by the Vicar, May 10th, 1891, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 16 May 1891, p. 5
Lamp of Chivalry (Keswick, 1898)
Letter and the Spirit (Keswick, 1898)
Nobility and Necessity of Work, Church Family Newspaper, 26 (5 December 1919), p. 26
Power of Thought Unto Salvation, Christian World Pulpit, 75 (2 June 1909), pp. 348-50
Praise and Life, Christian World Pulpit, 72 (21 August 1907), pp. 123-4
Prayer, beginning ‘God of all power and might’], English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 13 October 1894, p. 5
Property Rights in the Light of Christ (Keswick, 1898)
Sermon by the Vicar of Crosthwaite, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 22 November 1890, p. 5
Solvitur Ambulando (Keswick, 1898)
Spirit of Faith (Keswick, 1898)
Spirit of Honour (Keswick, 1897)
Spirit of Sonship (Keswick, 1897)
Temporal and the Eternal: A Rushbearing Sermon, Church Family Newspaper, 15 (14 August 1908), p. 707
Things that Cannot be Shaken, Christian World Pulpit, 71 (20 February 1907), pp. 119-21
Tsar’s Message (Keswick, 1898)
Union with God: A Tennyson Memorial Sermon, Christian World Pulpit, 68 (9 August 1905), pp. 81-3
Way of Peace, Church Family Newspaper, 20 (12 September 1913), p. 10
With All My Mind, Contemporary Pulpit, 7 (January 1887), pp. 12-21
Worship and Conduct, Church Family Newspaper, 14 (22 November 1907), p. 912
Worship and Conduct, Supplement to Church Family Newspaper, 28 November 1907, p. 912
The Worth of Child Life, Church Family Newspaper, 27 (9 January 1920), p. 10
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare: A Tercentenary Lecture (London, 1916)
Sheep and Shepherds
A Crack about Herdwick Sheep (By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, pp. 47-72)
A Lake Country Sheep-Clipping (Months at the Lakes, pp. 103-116)
A Skiddaw Shepherd’s Life: In Memoriam Joseph Hawell (Keswick, 1891)
At Brig-End Sheep-Clipping (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 250-264)
Joseph Hawell, a Skiddaw Shepherd (Lake Country Sketches, pp. 150-165)
March Marvels at the Lakes (By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, pp. 36-46)
Mardale Shepherds’ Meeting (Months at the Lakes, pp.214-233)
On Helvellyn with the Shepherds (Like and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 219-249)
On Helvellyn with the Shepherds, Cornhill Magazine, 15 (October 1890), pp. 379-94
On Helvellyn with the Shepherds, Living Age, 187 (22 November 1890), pp. 501-509
Sheep-Dog Trials at Troutbeck (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 132-145)
Shepherds Meeting on Helvellyn, in English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 4 October 1890, p. 5
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 100-115
Shoulthwaite Moss
Destruction of Shoulthwaite Moss, Times, 25 April 1906, p. 4 [Letter]
A Day on Frozen Derwentwater (A Rambler’s Notebook at the English Lakes, pp. 199-204)
Between Moonlight and Dawn—Skating on Derwentwater (Chapters at the English Lakes, pp. 200-205)
Skating on Derwentwater, Westminster Gazette, 22 January 1895, p. 5 [Telegram]
Skating on Derwent Water, Times, 5 February 1907, p. 9
Skating on Windermere (By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, pp. 27-35)
A Skiddaw Shepherd’s Life: In Memoriam Joseph Hawell (Keswick, 1891)
A Spring Walk Up Skiddaw Dodd (By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, pp. 176-186)
From Skiddaw Top on Jubilee Bonfire Night, Carlisle Patriot, 24 June 1887, p. 3
From Skiddaw Top on Jubilee Bonfire Night, Cornhill Magazine, 9 (August 1887), pp. 154-64
Joseph Hawell, a Skiddaw Shepherd (Lake Country Sketches, pp. 150-165)
Jubilee Bonfires, Up Skiddaw, London Daily News, 25 June 1897, p. 2
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 164-172
Skiddaw Jubilee Beacon, Carlisle Journal, 29 July 1887, p. 5
Skiddaw Jubilee Bonfires, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 4 June 1887, p. 5 [Letter]
Skiddaw’s Gift of Youth (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 186-196)
Tercentenary of the Armada on Skiddaw Top (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 178-185)
Tercentenary of the Armada on Skiddaw Top, Spectator, 61 (28 July 1888), pp. 1028-9
To the Editor of the Carlisle Journal, Carlisle Journal, 21 June 1887, p. 3 [Letter about Skiddaw bonfires]
Skiddaw Forest
After the Ravens, in Skiddaw Forest (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 24-42)
Smith, Elizabeth
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 183-186
Smith, Lucy
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 141-147
Smith, William
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 141-147
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 2 – Westmoreland, Windermere and the Haunts of Wordsworth, pp. 62-63
Snow in Harvest (A Rambler’s Notebook at the English Lakes, pp. 139-144)
White Christmas at the Lakes (Months at the Lakes, pp. 240-244)
Proposed Railway Up Snowden, North Wales Chronicle, 10 November 1894, p. 5 [Letter]
Snowden, Times, 6 November 1894, p. 8 [Letter]
Folk-Lore at Somersby. Reminiscences Among the Villagers (Memories of the Tennysons, pp. 27-61)
Memories of the Tennysons at Somersby, Cornhill Magazine, 32 (February 1912), pp. 170-9
Somersby and Its Neighbourhood (Memories of the Tennysons, pp. 1-26)
Sonnets - General
A Book of Bristol Sonnets, pp. 1-144 (1877)
A Sonnet Chronicle 1900-1906, pp. 1-84 (1906)
Sonnets at the English Lakes, pp. 1-128 (1881)
Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy, pp. 1-167 (1899)
Sonnets Round the Coast, pp. 1-244 (1887)
Sonnets – Memorial
Memorial Sonnets (Poems at Home and Abroad, pp. 77-87)
Southey, Cuthbert
Last of the Southeys (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 106-131)
Last of the Southeys: Memories of Greta Hall, Cornhill Magazine, 12 (May 1889), pp. 473-85
Southey, Robert
Last of the Southeys (Life and Nature at the English Lakes, pp. 106-131)
Last of the Southeys: Memories of Greta Hall, Cornhill Magazine, 12 (May 1889), pp. 473-85
Literary Associations of the English Lakes: Vol. 1 – Cumberland, Keswick, and Southey’s Country, pp. 39-83
Spedding, H. A.
The Late Mr. H. A. Spedding, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 8 October 1887, p. 4
Ruskin and the Home Art Industries in the Lake District (Ruskin and the English Lakes, pp. 115-148)
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
Warrior’s Funeral Hymn: In Memoriam Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Christian World Pulpit, 41 (17 February 1892), p. 99
St Bees
At St. Bees (Round the Lake Country, pp. 68-79)
Stanley, Henry Morton
To the Editor of the Times, Times, 17 May 1904, p. 8 [Letter]
Stanger, Mary (née Calvert)
The Last of the Calverts, Cornhill Magazine, 14 (May 1890), pp. 494-520
When death in gentlest accent calls, Westmorland Gazette, 22 February 1890, p. 8 [Hymn on the death of Mrs. Mary Stanger, Keswick]
When death in gentlest accent calls, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (May 1890). [Hymn for the occasion of the funeral of Mrs Joshua Stanger of Fieldside]
Stonehenge, Times, 28 September 1918, p. 10 [Letter]
Stratford-on-Avon, Times, 19 June 1919, p. 8 [Letter]
Kingdom of God and the Coal Strike: Sermon preached by the Rev. H. D. Rawnsley in Crosthwaite Church on 10th September, 1893, West Cumberland Times, 16 September 1893, p. 2
Strike Sunday, Christian World Pulpit, 80 (30 August 1911), pp. 137-9
Sty Head Pass
Sty Head Pass Road: Canon Rawnsley and the County Surveyor, Carlisle Patriot, 15 November 1895, p. 5 [Letter]
The Lake District: Protection of the Scafell Region, Times, 9 June 1919, p. 6 [Letter]
Gospel and Suicide: Sermon preached by the Rev. H. D. Rawnsley in Crosthwaite Church on August 27, 1893, Christian World Pulpit, 44 (4 October 1893), pp. 212-15
Flower-Time in the Oberland, pp. 1-328 (1904)
Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy, pp. 1-167 (1899)
Passion Play at Selzach, Review of Reviews, 14 (October 1896), pp. 481-2
Passion Play at Selzach, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 160 (September 1896), pp. 315-27; Living Age, 211 (31 October 1896), pp. 299-310
Revival of the Decorative Arts at Lucerne: Two Walks about the Ancient City of the Wooden Stork’s Nests (1896)
Village of Perfect Health, Leysin-sur-Aigle, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 158 (November 1895), pp. 680-4