We have in this Lake Country of ours very few sites connected with the royal family. It is true that Queen Catherine Parr spent her girlhood’s days on the green hill, whose castle ruin still stands above the town of Kendal, it is also true that in memory of King Edward VII., the President of our National Trust, the Princess Louise, purchased the top of Grange Fell, and that the summit of this beautiful Borrodale hill is now called King’s Howe, but the only Queen we know to have visited our Lake Country is Queen Adelaide, who in the summer of 1840 spent a few days on Windermere. (p. 228)
Her name since that time has remained to us a possession by reason of a memorable visit by water to the grassy hill that stands between the main road and the Lake, immediately south of Miller Ground. When a dweller at Wray on the shores of Windermere thirty-five years ago, Miller Ground was my nearest landing place for Windermere station, and the beauty of the scene from Adelaide Hill made me often trespass for the sake of the fine view. (pp. 228-229)
As I rested there, how often did I desire to be the owner of this beautiful knoll that the public might share its delight with me. Little did I think then, for the National Trust was not in existence, that some day I should be permitted to help many public-spirited friends in the neighbourhood of Windermere to purchase this viewpoint for the enjoyment of the nation. In those days there was fair freedom for landing on many portions of the lake shore; since then this possibility has ceased. Owing to private purchases in the past few years, the public now have really no rights of wandering but on parts of the shore between Bowness and Waterhead. (p. 229)
Indeed, until this purchase was effected, though the public could freely land at Miller Ground and make their way thence to the main road and station beyond, there was no guarantee that some future owner would not close this same path, and only admit access of the public to the Lake on his own terms. (p. 229)
When I was collecting money for Manesty and Borrodale, a friendly challenge was sent to me to say that if ever the National Trust would attempt to obtain a portion of the foreshore on Windermere, £100 should be at my disposal. Remembering this and still having a great longing that Adelaide Hill and its foreshore should one day be open to the public, I wrote to my friend, Gordon Somervell, and begged him to ascertain privately if this beautiful view-point was at all likely to be obtainable. He threw himself heart and soul into the project, made inquiries with a negative result, though this much was learned that at a price the land was in the market. Later, a private meeting of local friends was held, when it was determined that if it could be obtained at a certain price the scheme might be commended to Westmoreland and Lancashire north of the sands, as a county memorial of the late king. (p. 230)
Difficulties arose; a year passed by and the matter had apparently dropped, when another friend wrote to say that he had the offer of £1000 from a very generous contributor who had heard of the project, if only the matter could go forward. This roused us to renewed negotiations. We had in the owner of the Rayrigg property a very sympathetic ally. The land was in trust and neither the owner nor the trustees could sell the land below its fair market price. But a meeting was arranged with him and his co-trustee with the result that an option at a reduced sum was agreed upon for the twenty acres, including Miller Ground, and a definite undertaking was given at the same time that the right of way to and from the Lake should be part of the bargain. (pp. 230-231)
It then only remained to elect a committee representing the principal inhabitants of the neighbourhood, and to appeal privately for local subscriptions before issuing a public appeal. The National Trust was sounded at the same time and was willing to co-operate. At this juncture further delay was caused by the fact that a committee at Ambleside were engaged in collecting funds for ‘Borrans camp,’ and there was a great wish not to hamper them by issuing a rival appeal. (p. 231)
The sum which was to be raised for this priceless possession of Adelaide Hill was £5000, and though it was a large sum, landowners and others in the neighbourhood knew so well what prices were being paid for land adjacent to the Lake, that not a single one of those privately appealed to objected to giving help on the score of price, and as a matter of fact £2800 was subscribed before any appeal went abroad to the public. (pp. 231-232)
(Chapters at the English Lakes, pp. 228-249)