Halton Holgate Church, n.d.
Halton Holgate Church, n.d.
Halton Holgate Church, 1868
Halton Holgate Church, 1868
Halton Holgate Church Interior, 1894
Halton Holgate Church Interior, 1894
Halton Holgate Church from Rectory Garden, 1868 (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
Halton Holgate Church from Rectory Garden, 1868 (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
Halton Holgate Church from Rectory Garden, n.d. (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
Halton Holgate Church from Rectory Garden, n.d. (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
Halton Holgate Rectory, n.d.
Halton Holgate Rectory, n.d.
Halton Holgate Rectory, n.d.
Halton Holgate Rectory, n.d.
Halton Holgate Rectory, 1882 - The Year We Left Halton (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
Halton Holgate Rectory, 1882 - The Year We Left Halton (Watercolour by Catherine Rawnsley)
'The Hollow', c. 1880
'The Hollow', c. 1880

Halton Holegate Scrapbook Halton Holegate Scrapbook - Click on image of front cover to view the scrapbook

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