The index below will direct you to extracts from HDR's published writings.  These extracts have been selected from his many poems, journal articles, letters to newspapers, sermons, lectures and books, etc.  Each Index has been subdivided alphabetical to make searching easier.  Clicking on an entry in the index will take you directly to the extract. 

Adams, John Couch

John Couch Adams


Objectionable Posters


Alpine Anemone-Seed

Animal Cruelty

A Plea for the Birds

A wasted life is like a wreck that lies

Ad Misericordiam

Bitter Cry of Brer Rabbit

Death Aboard our Transports

Dying Charger

Eagle, at the Zoological Gardens, Clifton

Harassed Horses

My Feathered Lady

Pigeon Shooting at Ambleside

Plumage Bill

Stag Impaled

Starved to Death

St. Kentigern and St. Herbert

The End

War-Worn Horses’ Appeal

Wild Birds’ Protection Amendment Act

Animal Legislation (see Animal Cruelty)


April at the Lakes

April Showers

Arbuthnot, Alice Charlotte

On the Schilthorn


An Appeal to England for Armenia


Lily-Woods of Arnside


Christ in the Realm of Art

In the Church of S. Maria Degli Angioli

In the Refectory, Milan


With Paul Sabatier at Assisi


A Quiet Autumn Day, from the Terrace at Muncaster

Ayres, Alice

Alice Ayres

Barras Head

Barras Headland and the Old Post-Office, Tintagel

Barrington Court

Muchelney and Barrington Court

Beautiful Carlisle Society

Beautiful Carlisle Society: Address by Canon Rawnsley

Bede Memorial

Bede Memorial


In Butterfly-Land


Crosthwaite Bells

Bewcastle Cross

Bewcastle Cross


A Plea for the Birds

A Service of Song in Duchess’ Park, on a May Morning

Ad Misericordiam

Black-Headed Gulls in Cumberland

Chaffinch’s Nest

Chorus of the Dawn

Eagle, at the Zoological Gardens, Clifton


Great Spotted-Woodpecker at Allan Bank

In a Cumbrian Gullery

My Feathered Lady

Pigeon Shooting at Ambleside

Plumage Bill

To a Thrush, Heard on Clifton Down in a January Mist

Wild Birds’ Protection Amendment Act


To M. K. on Her Eighteenth Birthday, Saint Andrews

Boer War

A Brave Postmistress

An Estcourt Hero

Death Aboard our Transports

Dying Charger

In Honour of Abraham Esau

Starved to Death

To Winston Churchill


Bonfires – A Retrospect

Bonfires on Peace Night

Coronation Bonfire on Skiddaw

Jubilee Bonfires, Up Skiddaw

Tercentenary of Spanish Armada Bonfire

Booth, William

General Booth


King’s How in Borrowdale

Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway

The Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway


Ethic of Bridge-Building


Bristol of To-Day

Brothers’ Parting Stone

Brothers’ Parting Stone

Brough Hill Fair

Brough Hill Fair

Buildings and Monuments

Barras Headland and the Old Post-Office, Tintagel

Bede Memorial

Bewcastle Cross

Brothers’ Parting Stone

Dedication of a Memorial in Halton Holgate Church to Former Rectors, Churchwardens, and Parish Clerks on April 24th, 1911

Gosforth Cross

Muchelney and Barrington Court

Nether Stowey

Pier at Saltburn

Rock of Names

Rock Ruins at Seascale

Saltburn Viaduct

Skegness House

Story of the Caedmon Cross

Unveiling of the Ruskin Memorial at Friar’s Crag

Buksh, Ram

Ram Buksh, the Leper


In Butterfly-Land

Caedmon Cross

Story of the Caedmon Cross

Cape, Joe

Joe Cape, the Clogger


Beautiful Carlisle Society: Address by Canon Rawnsley

The County War Memorial

Recreation Hut at Fusehill

Suggested Meatless Day for “Merrie Carlisle”

Suggested War Memorial Hall

The Tank

Carlyle, Thomas


Castrigg Fell

Stone Circle on Castrigg Fell


Chaffinch’s Nest

Charitable Causes

A Family in Distress

Chatterton, Thomas

Sonnet on Chatterton

Cheddar Gorge

Cheddar Gorge

Christian Brotherhood

Calls of Christian Brotherhood

Greatness of Service

Christian Manliness

Christian Aspects of Manliness

Churches (
see also Buildings and Monuments)

At Skelton Old Church

Crusader’s Tomb

In Thun Churchyard

Old Skegness Church

Dedication of a Memorial in Halton Holgate Church

Churchill, Winston

To Winston Churchill


Cinematographs and the Child


Portrait of Cleopatra

Co-Education (see Education)

Coleridge, Hartley

Nab Cottage: A Memory of Hartley Coleridge

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Nether Stowey

Rock of Names

Consecration Crosses

Consecration Crosses, St. Kentigern’s Church, Crosthwaite

Conservation (see also Footpaths; see also National Trust)

Beautiful Carlisle Society: Address by Canon Rawnsley

Keswick and District Footpath Preservation Association

Nature’s Gospel

Proposed Permanent Lake District Defence Society

Ruskin Centenary

War Memorials

Conservation – Protests

A Traffic Board for the Provinces

Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway

Desecration of Nature.

The Desecration of Nature – Leaflet to Schools

Desecration of Nature (Thurstaston)

Ethic of Bridge-Building

Lake District: Protection of the Scafell Region

Memorial Stone at Grisedale Tarn

Reverence for Natural Beauty: Part I

Reverence for Natural Beauty: Part II

Safeguarding of the Lake Country


The Tank

Wolmer Pond

Crimean War

In a Battery


Crocus Legions

Spring Crocuses

Crosthwaite (see Keswick)


Cumberland Character


Duddon Daffodils

Dane’s Dyke

Dane’s Dyke, Flamborough Head


Lake Country Dancing

Merry little maidens

Davy, Mary

A Cornish Saint


December at the Lakes


Stag Impaled


A Winter Day on Derwentwater

Dialect Poems (Lake District)

Comin’ Yham Fra T’ Front

Old Mary’s Secret

Oor Jack he cam’ fra ower t’ sea

Oor Lad Wha Nobbut Cooms I’ Dreams

Peace at Last

Rhyme of the Keswick Old Folks’ Dinner

Secret of Old Age

‘T’Auld Fwoks’ Kursmas “Do”

T’ Keswick Auld Fwokes’ Do, 1905

T’Ald Fwoks’ Cursmas,1904

T’Auld Fwoks’ Cursmas “Do” 1903

Dialect Poems (Lincolnshire)

A Farm-Yard Soliloquy

A Libel

A Sad Letter

Dinas Oleu

Dinas Oleu

Disraeli, Benjamin

At Hughenden


Hound Trails of the North

Sheep-Dog Trials at Troutbeck

Story of Gough and His Dog

We meet at Morn, my Dog and I


Duddon Daffodils


Eagle, at the Zoological Gardens




Easter at the Lakes: Colours and Flowers of Spring

Education (See also Nature Study; see also Keswick School of Industrial Arts)

Canon Rawnsley on Recreation

Co-Education or a Dual School of the Higher Grade for Keswick

The Importance of Education

Keswick School: Foundation of a Scholarship: Generous Offer by Canon and Mrs Rawnsley

War and Education

War Memorials

What Shall We Do With Our Scholars?

Windermere Grammar School Speech-Day. Address by Rev. Canon Rawnsley


A Day at the Meydoum Pyramid

A Monkish Swimmer

A Queen’s Gazelle

At Keneh


The Dancing Dervishes

El Fât’ha

Evening by the Nile

First Call to Prayer

Lady Nefert

Night Watchers

Portrait of Cleopatra


Water-Carriers (Hope)

Water-Carriers (Joy)

Water-Carriers (Sorrow)

Eiffel Tower

Memories of the Great Paris Exhibition


To Engelberg

Walks at Engelberg

Entente Cordiale

A Plea for the United States of Europe

Environmental Pollution

A Traveller’s Tale

Cry of the Poor Consumptive

Forester’s Tomb, Saint Bees

Sunlight or Smoke?

Esau, Abraham

In Honour of Abraham Esau

