Sir,—I hope I may be forgiven if I dare humbly to suggest to my brother-ministers in all the churches that next Sunday the noble hymn tune “Austria” should be used; they might thus enable their congregations to show national sympathy with a bereaved Royal House, a stricken King, and a sorrowing people. I was present yesterday at a solemn litany service in the “Hof Kirche” at Innsbruck; the Kings and Queens who stood in bronze, head and shoulders above the people, seemed almost to be living presences sharing with sadden looks the national grief. And when at a later service, at which many soldiers were present, the National Anthem was played, tears were on many faces. The least sympathy seemed to be cared for. I believe it would be some comfort to Austria to know that we in Great Britain thus simply, unofficially, and, naturally showed our condolence with them at this tragic time.
(Times, 2 July 1914, p. 9)