Sir,—I think it may be well to remind those of the public who are interested in the matter that hitherto the initial organization of bonfires on great public occasions has been taken by a Committee of members of the House of Commons, who meet and consider the whole question, elect a chairman, treasurer, and secretary, issue an appeal to municipalities, and county authorities, and put themselves in communication with the numerous bonfire committees throughout the country.  This central committee know the beacons that should be lit, and arrange the times of firing, which vary, in Scotland and in England, on account of the light.  There is no reason why this procedure should be altered.  It is proposed that a preliminary meeting be called by members of the House this week.  There are many difficulties which have to be considered.  Even if the Controller gave permission, it is doubtful whether fuel could be obtained in sufficient quantity, but it may be possible to arrange for simultaneous illumination of beacon heights by the use of flares and rockets.  I have been in correspondence with Sir Robert Baden-Powell whose Boy Scouts gave valuable help on the last occasion, and he has agreed to co-operate.

(Times, 17 February 1919, p. 11.)