All up the road that through the forest wound
We wondered how the vale and hill would lie
That charmed an angel message from the sky,
And bade the black-robed monks their Abbey found,
Then suddenly, where Aars’ tumultuous bound
Leaps bellowing under Nieder-Wald, the sky
Was closed by Harrnen, the Span-Ortten high
Sprang up, and Titlis shone with Winter crowned.
One-half the vale was shadow, one was sun,
The cattle lowed, the plain was all a-flower,
And happy dwellings dotted fell and field,
A great bell clanged, a mighty grange did run
Athwart the vale, white-walled, with one great
And, Engelberg, thy wonder was revealed.
(Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy, p. 35)